Friday, September 24, 2010

Bull Terrier Cerberus

I'm still trying to improve my digital painting skills, so I tried to make this without using any line. I've also been really into drawing creatures with bull-terrier profiles lately.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Go Back for Murder Logo/Poster

These are logo/poster designs for Los Alamos Little Theater's production of Go Back for Murder. They're designed to be simple to print and usable as both logos and poster designs.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Odd Illustration/Sketch Assortment

I've been really bad about posting, so here's an odd assortment of drawings that I've done lately.

I really need to get better at drawing caricatures of people. To practice I drew a bunch of people I knew. I'm also a huge dork for His Dark Materials, so I gave them all daemons.

This is my half of an art trade I did with my friend Josh. These are his characters, who I don't think have names yet.

And this is a piranha. The drawing is a sketch I did at the zoo. I'm not sure why I decided to color it. I was just in the mood to Photoshop paint something, I guess.

This is a creature I drew in my sketchbook that I particularly liked. I'm not particularly great at coming up with cool-sounding names, so I've just been calling it the Beartiger. I've been drawing a lot of creatures with big forearms and long claws lately. Also, while I was absorbed in trying to make interesting stripes, I accidentally drew a "ro" on his back leg. For some reason I didn't notice it until I was almost finished with all the color, so I just left it. It does bother me a bit, though. Oh well.


This creature is also submitted as a designer toy concept on Patch Together. If you're at all interested, please follow the link on the image and vote for it.