Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Raptors and Thylacines

One day I just got really interested in thylacines for some reason and started sketching and designing a thylacine character.

A drawing I did for my friend Caitlyn. We had a discussion about whether classic velociraptors or the more scientifically correct feathered velociraptors were better.

One of my classmates fell asleep in an assembly and said he dreamed about fluffy velociraptor chicks. I thought that was awesome, so I had to draw some.

Just a composite of various monsters out of my sketchbook.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Figure Drawings From This Past Semester

Here are some of the figure drawings I did in the figure drawing class I just had.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Illustration Update

Some illustration I've done recently. I seem to be going through a phase where I really like to draw two characters interacting against a minimal background.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Here are a couple of things I've gotten done for my senior film.
I've finished texturing and rigging the body of my horse character. His face is still in progress, though.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thesis Animatic

This is the first pass of my film's animatic. I can't seem to think of a title that doesn't sound stupid, so right now it's called Title :P

Monday, September 21, 2009

Thesis Progress

Well, somehow it's my senior year now. This fact is terrifying. It also means that it's time for me to make a thesis film. My idea for my thesis film is to model, rig, texture, and animate two characters in Maya in a fairly simple piece that will mainly be a character study. I'd like to try to get the 3D characters to resemble my illustration style as much as possible. Hopefully this will work out. Here's my progress so far.

These are my two characters. Rory is the horse, and the girl is Ginger.

Ginger's rig is pretty much finished. There are definitely things that I could improve, but I don't want to fall into the spiral of eternally researching and tweaking and not get anything done, so since she's animatable, I'm moving on for the time being.

This is Rory's model so far. He isn't rigged yet, but in order to test his geometry I bound him to a very simple skeleton and made a goofy majestic pose.

Also, since I'll be animating a quadruped for this film, I did a couple of horse gait tests with the Rhett rig from High End 3D.

The Fox and the Monkey - First Half

This is a project I collaborated on with my friends and classmates Sakari Singh and Evan Tedlock. Unfortunately we weren't able to finish it, but it was still a really fun experience to work collaboratively on a project like this.

The Fox and the Monkey: Production in Process from Sakari Singh on Vimeo.

Some Life Drawings

This is a selection of life drawings that I put together for a quick portfolio review. They range from second semester of feshman year up to the present. They're not in any particular order.

A Couple of Fun Illustrations

I've been really bad about updating my blog for a while, so to get back into the swing of things, here are a couple of illustrations I did a while ago.

Tiger and Stoat: This is a very vague reference to the book Anansi Boys. I never really intended the reference to be understood, since I was mostly just interested in drawing a tiger and a stoat character interacting.

Just a cute dinosaur.